Krell, Craig - Head Football Coach & AC

Sharyland High School

Craig Krell



This will be my 8th year at Sharyland H.S. I have been teaching since 1997. I 
recieved B.S. from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh. I also have my masters in 
administration. I am the Athletic Coordinator and the Head Football Coach.

Athletic Office-Main Gym 
Phone Number (956) 580-5300 (ext.1291)
1st Football   Athletics   8:00- 9:30
 5th  JR High Football    2:30-4:00



Google Classroom 



Link for Grading Guidelines on SISD website:

Statement for Academic Dishonesty:

Academic integrity is fundamental to the activities and principals of our school. No student shall cheat or copy the work of another. Plagiarism, the use of another person’s original ideas or writings as one’s own without giving credit to the true author, will be considered cheating, and the student will be subject to academic discipline that may include loss of credit for the work in question.