Hi! my name is Juan Cantu and I've been an actor and Film Maker for the passed 16 years!
I had the pleasure of living in LA for 2 years where all I did was create content and saw different ways to drive engagement on social media platforms and different ways to succeed in the media world.
I cant wait to teach what I've learned and give my students a head start to the game that is the media world.
We will go over everything they need to know about photography, photoshop after effects and AV in a professional setting! From creative inspiration to the editing and the creating of a career at the end of it all.
The main priority will be getting adobe certified at the end of this run!
The only prerequisite is that students come happy to learn and be creative!
Any tutoring if required
Will take place after school on monday’s from 4:15-5:15 PM
Class room rules
Respect eachother
If something must be said, ask to speak your mind.
Always be creative
Love one another
Have fun!
Teacher expectations
I expect every student to come in ready and willing to learn what it takes to be a true creative, to be able to tap into their own brains are use any trouble as a gas to their creative flame.
Classroom Discipline
1st offense- Warning
2nd offense- Phone call to parents
3rd offense- 30 minute teacher detention before school & parent conference
4th offense & subsequent offenses- Referral to assigned principal
Severe offense- Referral to assigned principal immediately; removal from class.
Assignments and Grading Procedures
As per Sharyland ISD, Major Assignments which include tests, reports, research papers, projects, and essays will make up for 60% of the academic grade. Minor Assignments which include daily work, quizzes, readings, and projects’ work will make up 40% of the academic grade.
Major Assignments 60% Minimum 3 per semester
Minor Assignments 40% Minimum 9 per semester
Academic Integrity
All published media projects must follow copyright policy and must credit any and all sources as required. It is in the best interest of the student to create as much of the content in a project that has the potential to be published in either the SISD Website, Campus Website, Social Media, or Contests/Competitions