Syllabus for Geometry

Geometry 2024-2025

Course Description:

Topics covered include the language of geometry (points, lines, planes and angles), reasoning and proofs (paragraph, two columns, flow, indirect, and coordinate), parallel and perpendicular lines, congruent triangles, applications of congruent triangles, quadrilaterals, similarity, right triangles and trigonometry, circles, polygons and area, surface area and volume, coordinate geometry, and transformations.

Course Objective:

Students will acquire and demonstrate knowledge of concepts, definitions, properties, and applications of the topics listed above as well as develop the computational skills and strategies needed to solve problems. Students will develop critical thinking and decision-making skills by connecting concepts to practical applications.


The grades are cumulative during each semester. When a grade for a period is needed, all the grades from the first test and homework to the latest will be averaged to arrive at the new grade.

Major Assignments……….60%:    Tests, Reports, Projects

Minor Assignments……….40%:   Classwork, Homework, Quizzes, Binders

Sharyland High School RETESTING Policy Guidelines:

Geometry Honors: Honors students will NOT BE ABLE TO RETEST or redo major assignments unless 50% of the class fails. 

Geometry CP: When the number of students not mastering material on a major assignment is less than 50% of the total number, the following retesting criteria will be used:

  • Students must attend two consecutive tutoring sessions before or after school.

  • The student must then make arrangements to take the retest, before or after school, no later than the end of the third day.

  • A grade of 70 or above on the retest will result in a grade of 70 being recorded, otherwise, the higher of two failing grades will be recorded.

If 50% or more students in a class fail a major assignment in any CP or Honors class, the entire class will receive   reteaching of the content using a different instructional strategy from the original presentation. All students will be given an alternative major assignment. Students will receive the higher of the two grades earned.

**See district grading policy for specifications**

Required Materials:

  • 1 ½ in Binder

  • Paper / Graph paper

  • Pencils or Pens (Highlighters Optional)

  • Laptop fully charged

Classroom Rules/ Expectations:

  1. Follow Directions. Follow all school rules at all times.

  2. Absences. In the event of an absence, it is your responsibility to ask for any missed work due and find out what you missed.   

  3. Be responsible. Turn in homework on time (no late work will be accepted).

  4. Be on time to class. You must be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings.

  5. Be respectful. Don’t do things that will distract you or others.

  6. Be courteous. Do not talk while the teacher or a fellow classmate is conducting a lesson. Imagine it is you.

  7. Be ready to learn. You are encouraged to ask questions. If you don’t understand something, raise your hand.

  8. Do the homework yourself. If you need assistance, attend tutoring or ask questions at the beginning of the class block.

  9. Be organized. Please keep a notebook/folder for this class.

  10. You may use pen or pencils to write your notes.

Tardiness and Attendance 

There will be independent, partner and group activities throughout the school year. So, the presence of each student is necessary. Students need to be in class with me, otherwise students will lose out on important information and an education. If absent, the student is responsible for picking up his/her missed assignment(s), notes, and completing the assignment(s). 


I will be available as much as possible to help you be successful in this course. Tutoring will be held on Monday and Wednesday after school from 4:00 to 4:45 or by appointment. I expect to see notes on the topic you need help with before approaching me for assistance. Take advantage of this time. If you do not understand something in class, I am more than happy to try to explain in another way. Please ask before it is too late! 


You can always text on Remind at any time!  You may also send an email via Google Classroom or the contract button on my webpage.  


Pearson Textbook and workbook.  Google classroom will have all notes and assignments.  TI-Nspire

Cheating or Copying 

Cheating will ABSOLUTELY NOT be tolerated. At any time you are caught cheating by ANY TEACHER, an automatic ZERO will be given for that assignment WITHOUT the opportunity to make up the grade. Consider this your WARNING. Cheating will result in a PARENT-TEACHER conference if necessary. 

*Please be aware that you will be required to use the internet and other computer softwares for some of  the class assignments and/or activities. If you don’t have computer access at home, feel free to stop by before or after school to the library. (Hours: M-R 7:30am-4:30pm, F 7:30am-4pm).