Class Grade Reports
In addition, to Progress Reports (Sent by Sharyland High School Every Three Weeks) and Report Cards (Sent Every Nine Weeks) a Class Grade Report is sent every second week of the three week grading period via your Skyward Registered E-mail. The report is sent by the teacher with a message highlighting important announcements, the student's current grades, and attendance. The report is sent to both students and parentswho have their e-mail registered on Skyward. Additionally, both students and parents can respond to the e-mail and directly communicate to the teacher.
Changing or Registering Your E-mail on Skyward:
To update or register your e-mail on Skyward, request the change using Steps 3 and 4 on the Sharyland ISD Registration Guide.
Accessing Skyward Family Access:
OnSkyward Family Access, parents and students can instantly access astudent's attendance report, current grades, and other school relatedinformation. Skyward Family Access can be access via hyperlink, on the Sharyland ISD Homepage, or via Skyward's Apple and Android Apps. For help with Skyward Family Access, click here.
"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history
is the most important of all the lessons of history."
-Aldous Huxley