Course syllabus
Instructor: Mr. Elliud Hernandez
956-580-5300 Ext. 1181
Office hours (Tutoring):
Monday and Wednesday 4:15- 4:45 PM or by appointment.
Room 401
Required course material: Quad-ruled composition notebook (or EN), writing instruments, 1 pair of earphones for audio listening.
Optional course material: rubber eraser, scotch tape, pencil box.
Course description: Introduction to Engineering Design™ (IED) is a high school level course that is appropriate for 9th or 10th grade students who are interested in design and engineering. The major focus of the IED course is to expose students to design process, research, analysis, teamwork, communication methods, global and human impacts, engineering standards and technical documentation. IED gives students the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of course concepts trough activity, project and problem-based (APPB) learning. Used in combination with a teaming approach, APPB-learning challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities and understanding of the design process. It also allows students to develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of education.
Certification Offered: Autodesk Certified User (ACU) Inventor.
Teaching method: Lecture, demonstration, homework, small group activity and the use of activities-based, project based and problem based learning (APPB- Learning).
Course outline:
Unit 1 Design and Problem Solving
Unit 2 Assembly Design
Unit 3 Thoughtful Product Design
Unit 4 Making Things Move