Teacher Name Martine Garcia Subject French 3
Teacher phone number: 956-580-5300
Available Tutoring Time: Monday & Thursday 4 – 4:30 pm
Required Materials:
- Textbook: Bien Dit French 3
- Binder or notebook
- Highlighter
- Blue or black ink pen
- Pencil
- USB flash drive
Course Outline/Tentative Timeline:
This course is designed for students with two years of study of French language and culture. This course expects students to meet the requirements prescribed by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for Languages Other Than English Levels 3 and 2 – Intermediate Progress Checkpoint by developing the four basic language competencies (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) and engaging in the five Cs: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities.
This course also supports the Standards for Foreign Language Learning by providing clearly defined objectives, a variety of pair- and group-work activities so that students can use French in a wide range of settings and contexts, and offering culture-related activities and questions that develop students’ insight and encourage them to develop observational and analytical skills.
- Introduction to course, class rules, procedures, and expectations
- French regions
- Review of present tense
- describing a place
- discussing vacation
- asking for and giving directions
- expressing impatience
- expressing obligation, forbidding
- Personal and social responsibilities
- reprimanding
- justifying actions
- rejecting excuses
- clothing style
- shopping for clothes
- Sénégal
- Discussing the future
- expressing intentions
- expressing possibilities
- asking about future plans
- Morocco
- Family
- showing hospitality
- First semester exam
Grading policy:
60% Major Assignments: Tests, Reports, Projects
40% Minor Assignments: Classwork, Homework, Quizzes, Binders
**see district grading policy for specifications**
Course Expectations:
- Participation is expected in class. This includes completing the assigned work.
- There will be a minimum of two grades each week: one participation grade and one journal grade.
- There will be a minimum of 1 project during the semester.
- There will be a chapter test at the end of each chapter. During the last week of the semester, a chapter test may be combined with a semester exam if appropriate.
- Please refer to the SISD policy for information on absences and submitting late work.
Statement for Academic Dishonesty: Academic integrity is fundamental to the activities and principles of our school. No student shall cheat or copy the work of another. Plagiarism, the use of another person's original ideas or writings as one's own without giving credit to the true author, will be considered cheating, and the student will be subject to academic discipline that may include loss of credit for the work in question.