Art I Syllabus

Fine Arts Course Syllabus
Term: Fall 2024/Spring 2025

Course Title: Portrait/Art 1
eachers: Mr. Saenz

Email Address
Teacher Web Page

Consult District Faculty Page


Course Description
High School Art 1/Portrait Drawing are courses that provides an introduction to art through a multi-media experience. Students will learn and apply the elements and principles of design to produce creative art projects that reflect their understanding of these concepts.

Course Curriculum Content

Student Learning outcome


  1. Meaning and Creative Thinking
  2. Contextual Understanding
  3. Production
  4. Assessment and Reflection
  5. Connections
  1. Art Production
  2. Art History
  3. Art Criticism
  4. Aesthetic

Projects and Media

Class/Studio Expectations

Value-pencil grades, contour drawing, texture, still-life drawings; Line-pen and ink, practice techniques, pen and ink reproductions; Shape/Form-overlapping shapes, pencil/color pencil drawings; Space-positive/negative space still-life; Texture-bottle landscape, house landscape; Color-terms, theory, value, intensity, hue, primary, secondary, intermediate, value scales, tint and shade, color schemes, color wheel; Perspective- one, two, and three point perspective.

Be on time and prepared with materials and agenda.

Be committed and bring great attitude.

Take pride in work with focus on quality.

Be respectful of your peers, their work, the teacher, and the art classroom.

Each student is responsible for making up work missed due to any absence.

Each student is to follow all school rules and procedures.


Evaluation and Grading

Projects evaluation criteria

Academic Dishonesty

Grading Scale

Meets deadlines
Meets project requirements
Uses materials and techniques correctly
Creative solution to problem
Creative use of elements of art and principles of design

Academic and creative integrity are crucial for the growth of students at Sharyland High School. Upholding these values ensures high standards and a meaningful learning environment. Academic misconduct, which includes plagiarism, creative dishonesty, cheating, and sabotage, violates the school's policy and creates an unfair advantage. The Policy helps students understand the expectations and what actions are considered violations of the Student Code of Conduct.


A: 90 and above
B: 80 – 89
C: 70 – 79
F: 69 or below

Box of color pencils
Two #2 pencils
Large Eraser

Other Information


Additional Requirements/Resources

  1. Classroom safety
  2. Tips for success: Be prepared, listen, do more than expected
  3. Personal and general work areas kept clean
  1. Student is expected spend additional time on assignments outside of class.



The syllabus may be updated as needed throughout the semester.