Hello My Name Is...
Jose Luis Ochoa Jr
Welcome! My name is Luis Ochoa and I teach in the Audio Visual Career Cluster. I am a professional photographer, videographer, and graphic designer that has been working in the industry for over 8 years. I have collaborated with companies of all sizes to help expand their digital brand. I am honored with the opportunity to teach students here at Sharyland High School the necessary skills they will need to be successful in the industry. In 2021 we started Rattler Creative, a media focused club that operates as the creative department for Sharyland High School. We look forward to growing and training students with hands on experience in the media arts field.
Sharyland High School
University of Texas Pan American - Communication Studies
Clubs I Sponser:
Rattler Creative
Skills USA
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Room 313
956-580-5300 (EXT 1143)
Spring 2023 Class Schedule:
Block 1: Principles of AV
Block 2: Video Production 1 & 2
Block 3: Conference
Block 4: Principles of AV
Block 5: Video Production 1 & 2
Tutoring Hours:
Available Upon Request
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are to demonstrate professional standards, employability skills, make ethical decisions, and use academic knowledge, communication strategies, and leadership skills in the pre-production, production, and post-production of digital products. The end goal of this course is to prepare students to take and successfully obtain their Adobe Certified Associate in Adobe Premiere Pro.
Be on time: allow yourself time to get mentally and physically prepared for class.
Headphones: use class headphones or your own earbuds when working on projects or watching course content videos.
Use class technology responsibly: All technology should be used for class work only.
Participation: Be focused, be attentive, be kind, and be an active participant daily.
Stay organized: use the Daily Agendas and Classroom’s calendar to check when assignments are due. Check the Google Classroom for assignment details.
Submit work on time: work on your assignments during class and be sure to submit them when they are due. Late work, if accepted, will have a max score of 70.
Be smart online: be digitally responsible, keep your personal information private, be careful what you enter in the search engines.
Check messages: check Google Classroom, Remind and school email for announcements and reminders.
Ask for help: stay after class or add private comments in Google Classroom assignments if you need help outside of class time. I’m available most days after school until 5 pm.
Dress appropriately: be sure you are following the dress code every day.
Be respectful: listen and follow directions, be kind and help your classmates.
NO GUM, FOOR, OR DRINKS ALLOWED (except bottled water)
Digital Devices
All student devices will only be allowed in class for an educational purpose. Otherwise, devices should be in the charging station (must follow rules stated at end of this syllabus), powered off, or placed on silent and stored out of sight. The teacher will notify you when you will need a digital device for class work.
Classroom Discipline
1st offense- Warning
2nd offense- Phone call to parents
3rd offense- 30 minute teacher detention before school & parent conference
4th offense & subsequent offenses- Referral to assigned principal
Severe offense- Referral to assigned principal immediately; removal from class.
Tardy Policy
The Sharyland Pioneer High School tardy policy will be strictly enforced. When the tardy bell rings all students should be in the classroom, ready to begin. Please see the Sharyland Pioneer High School Tardy Policy for consequences.
Make-up Work and Late Work
It is the student’s responsibility to ask for missed assignments and make arrangements with the teacher to make up any daily work or exams. If you are tardy, absent, or suspended, you are responsible for all assignments missed. Completing the daily prompt and regular attendance is required. Students are responsible to contact the teacher for any missed assignments in the event of an absence.
Assignments and Grading Procedures
As per Sharyland ISD, Major Assignments which include tests, reports, research papers, projects, and essays will make up for 60% of the academic grade. Minor Assignments which include daily work, quizzes, readings, and projects’ work will make up 40% of the academic grade.
Major Assignments 60% Minimum 3 per semester
Minor Assignments 40% Minimum 9 per semester
Computer/Internet Expectations
During the semester students will have the opportunity to learn how to use the Internet for research, assignments, tasks and general information. However, due to the uncensored nature of the Internet, the following rules MUST be observed in accessing the Internet in the classroom setting.
1. Students will not use the Internet without permission from the teacher.
2. Students will not enter chat rooms unless specifically authorized by the teacher for classroom use. Any online chat or bulletin board activity will be supervised carefully and must be only for the purpose of gathering information for an assignment. Students will not enter sites characterized by vulgar and/or sexually explicit language and/or images or other classroom inappropriate content.
3. Students will not print from computers except with teacher permissions. In most instances, students will take notes from Web sites and keep notes in designated binder.
4. Students are not to go to any unauthorized websites.
5. Students will not download from the Internet without permission from the teacher.
6. Students losing Internet privileges are required to complete projects by using the Internet elsewhere or by using printed materials.
7. In addition to the rules listed here students are also responsible for following all guidelines set forth in the Sharyland ISD Student Code of Conduct.
8. Mobile devices may not be plugged in to the computer without teacher permission for specific assignment related task.
Tips for Success in Media Production and Career & Technology Classes
It is important for students to keep track of deadlines, time management and turn in work in a timely manner. Production projects require collaboration, teamwork, cooperation, following instructions and keeping a positive attitude.
Academic Integrity
All published media projects must follow copyright policy and must credit any and all sources as required. It is in the best interest of the student to create as much of the content in a project that has the potential to be published in either the SISD Website, Campus Website, Social Media, or Contests/Competitions.