Sharyland Choir
Why choir? Click here to watch the video.
President –Ashley Champion
VP –Aimee Gonzalez
Treasurer –Chiara Moreno
Secretary –Lauren Ygoña
Historian –Camila Orezza
Librarian –Melissa Rios
Chaplain – Los bros Leal
Parliamentarian –Paul Gonzalez
He's Gone Away - Nelson
Johnny Said No! - Singh
Pussy Willows, Cat-Tails - Gordon Lightfoot/Nickel
2019 Songs - Superior ratings from all judges (straight 1s - 3 years in a row!) in the concert section:
Lullaby from This Day (Hodie) - Vaughan Williams
Scarborough Fair - Goetze
Ave Maria - Saint-Saens
2018 Songs - Superior ratings from all judges (straight 1s!) in the concert section:
Alleluia - Purcell
Jesu Rex Admirabilis - Palestrina
For the Beauty of the Earth - Rutter
2017 Songs - Superior ratings from all judges (straight 1s) in the concert section:
Seal Lullaby
Tristis est anima mea
Forget Not My Heart
The songs that earned us our first sweepstakes (2012):
2013 Contest Songs
Non-Varsity Tenor Bass
Varsity Ladies
2014 Contest Songs
Varsity Ladies
Non-Varsity Ladies