Course Syllabus

Course Name-Physical Ed./ College Readiness/ PLATO
Class Teacher Name:  Ruben Dario Saenz
Available Tutoring Time/Conference Time:  7:00-7:30 M W F
Course Outline/Timeline: Health Foundations-9 week Course List the topics covered in the class by week. Identify any major projects or assessments. 
Week Topic
Week 1 Healthy Foundations-Chapters 1,2 and 3 Maslow's Hierarchy of needs-poster presentation Current Event 
Week 2  Physical Fitness and Nutrition-Chapters 4, 5 and 6 The Elements of Fitness Presentations Current Event
Week 3  Mental Emotional and Social Health-Chapters 8 and 9 Types of Mental Disorders-Report Current Event 
Week 4 Personal Care and Hygiene- Chapter 14 Video-The Truth about Tattoos and body piercings Current Event
Week 5  Promoting safe and healthy Relationships Ch. 10 and 11 Promoting Anti-bullying Current Event
Week 6  Growth and Development Chapters 19 and 20 Life's Greatest Miracle-video
Week 7  Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs-Chapters 21,22 and 23 Power point presentations-Drugs
Week 8  Communicable Diseases- Chapters 24 and 25 Sexually Transmitted Diseases-AIDS
Week 9  Injury prevention and Environmental Health Chapter 28 and 29 CPR Training Textbooks/Materials/Suggested Readings: Glencoe Health Book, Texas Edition Resources from Computer Lab and Videos.
Classroom Expectations:  Every student is expected to learn and understand the basis for a healthy foundation.  Students will gather information that they will utilize throughout their lifetime.  Lifetime skills That will lead to a happy, successful and healthy life.  Students will also be expected to become more health literate and self conscience of their surroundings. Identify any course policies related to submitting late work, absences, etc.
Statement for Academic Dishonesty: Academic integrity is fundamental to the activities and principles of our school. No student shall cheat or copy the work of another.  Plagiarism, the use of another person’s original ideas or writings as one’s own without giving credit to the true author, will be considered cheating, and the student will be subject to academic discipline that may include loss of credit for the work in question.