UIL Academics 2018
District 31-5A

It is with great great pleasure, happiness, and pride that I announce that Sharyland High School was crowned DISTRICT CHAMPS in UIL ACADEMICS for the 2017-2018 Season this past weekend.
The UIL Academics District Path begin early this year in February with our CX Team, continued In early March with our One Act Play and culminated with the District Championship being awarded to us after the rest of all the Academics Events competed this weekend at Valley View High School. The following is the list of competitors that Placed, denoting which students will be advancing to the regional level.
Out of 10 schools in our district we are advancing 30 students to regional and we racked up 409 total points. Our One Act Play Alone contributed 38 points, thank you to Mr. Christopher Fernandez, Mrs. Nicole Cruz, and to the Cast and Crew for "Camino Real"
We are extremely Proud of all of our Coaches and Students and we would like to thank our Administrative Team here and at Central Office for all of their support to our UIL Academics Program.
CX Debate - Coach - Christopher Fernandez
Luis Cantu/Elian Sanchez - 4th Place
Calculator Applications - Coach - Jose Nava
Yuka Ohba - 3rd Place - Regionals
Current Issues and Events - Coach - Isaac Pietrzak
Nathaniel Gutierrez - 2nd Place - Regionals
Computer Applications - Coach- Nancy Barboza
Sua Cho - 1st Place - Regionals
Informative Speaking - Coach - Eloisa Alvarado Saenz
Alexandria Martinez - 3rd Place - Regionals
Persuasive Speaking - Coach - Eloisa Alvarado Saenz
Josua Vernon - 1st Place - Regionals
Maria Luisa Mendoza - 2nd Place - Regionals
LD Debate - Coach - Christopher Fernandez
Eduardo Vazquez - 1st Place - Regionals
Britany Gaonoa - 2nd Place - Regionals
Mariana Cantu - 3rd Place - Regionals
Literary Criticism - Coach - Laura Colegio
2nd PLACE TEAM (Regionals WildCard): Ana Cristina Ibarra, Maria Jose Salinas, Angelina Chavana, Marisol Rodriguez
Ana Cristina Ibarra - 1st Place - Regionals
Mathematics - Coach - Jose Nava
1st PLACE TEAM (Regionals): Yuka Ohba, Ryan Knobel, Pete Ochoa, Dylan Ducharme
Ryan Knobel - 3rd Place - Regionals
Pete Ochoa - 4th Place - Regionals Alt.
Number Sense - Coach - Jose Nava
1st PLACE TEAM (Regionals): Yuka Ohba, Jorge Guerra, Subi Kim, Benjamin Bewely
Jose Jones - 1st Place - Regionals
Yuka Ohba - 2nd Place - Regionals
Ready Writing - Coach - Estela Salinas
Sabrina Del Angel -2nd Place - Regionals
Jihu Bae - 3rd Place - Regionals
Science - Coaches - Angie Culberson-Espinosa/Ofelia Garza/Roxanna Ramos
TOP PHYSICS - Michael Byrne
Social Studies - Coach - Isaac Pietrzak
2nd PLACE TEAM (Regionals WildCard): Xavier Felix, Dylan Ducharme, Pavel Castillo, Victoria Bazan
Pavel Castillo - 2nd Place - Regionals
Spelling and Vocabulary - Coach - Lila Torguson
2nd PLACE TEAM (Regionals WildCard): Betsy Abraham, Ruth Garcia, Angela Salinas, Ana Quinetero
Ana Quintero- 1st Place - Regionals