Teacher Name: Maribel Squibb Block: 2nd.
3rd, 5th..
Teacher Email: [email protected]
Available Tutoring: Wednesday 4:00 – 5:00 pm
time: 8:05-9:37
Course Outline/Timeline:
Spanish IS is an
introduction to Spanish language and culture. The fundamentals of Spanish
pronunciation, grammar, and culture are presented through a balanced
development of all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
This course is designed
for students with the knowledge of the Spanish language or culture. Students
are expected to meet the requirements prescribed by the Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills for Languages Other Than English by developing the
four basic language competencies (reading, writing, speaking, and listening)
and engaging in the five Cs: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons,
and Communities.
This course also
supports the Standards for Foreign Language Learning by providing clearly
defined objectives, a variety of pair- and group-work activities so that
students can use French in a wide range of settings and contexts, and offering
culture-related activities and questions that develop students’ insight and
encourage them to develop observational and analytical skills.
Week 1
to course, class rules, procedures, and expectations
El mundo hispanohablante.
- Greetings
- Tu y yo
- The verb to be- ser
o estar.
Week 2
- Ethnic
groups of Spain and Latin America.
- Sociological and
anthropological terms in Spanish.
- Grammar: How to use adjectives with plural nouns.
- Division de
sílabas. Diphthongs and trip thongs
- Present tense of
regular verbs ending in ar, er, ir.
Week 3
Asi me nacio la conciencia.
Rigoberta Menchú.
Grammar: The definite articles in plural.
de silabas. Diphthongs and trip
verbs in the present tense.
Week 4
Cuentos – Short stories
cuento y la novela
a short story
Una moneda de oro.
Week 5
Fiestas Hispanas o Latinas.
laborales y días feriados.
accentuation, syllables.
verbs in the present tense.
Week 6
Mistral – Poesía.
using the prepositions a and en.
Week 7
En casa o en el café.
- Los suburbios, los
barrios pobres.
- Las costumbres.
- Grammar: The regular
verbs in er and ir.
- Reading: Olor a cacao.
Week 8
Review for semester
Semester exam.
Week 9
El Hogar y la Familia.
Gramatica: el verbo tener.
Week 10
El Cid.
La casa de los espiritus de Isabel Allende.
El amor en los tiempos de colera de Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
Week 11
Los deportes en el mundo hispano.
the consonants c, z, s.
Week 12
de Mexico
de Antropología.
Week 13
Learn the different uses of ser y estar
Amado Nervo- Mexican poet.
Si eres Bueno….
a personal writing.
Using the accent. Acento o tilde.
Week 14
Verano o Invierno
between climate and weather.
Grammar: The preterite of verbs ending in a-ar, -er,
and ser.
Week 15
Learn to write a persuasive essay.
Reading: Nosotros y las lenguas.
the importance of speaking a second language.
Week 16
Review for final exam.
Final exam.
Grading policy:
60% Major Assignments:
Tests, Reports, Projects
40% Minor Assignments:
Classwork, Homework, Quizzes, Binders
**see district grading
policy for specifications**
Course Expectations:
- Participation is expected in
class. This includes completing the assigned work.
- There will be a minimum of two
grades each week: one participation grade and one journal and grammar
- There will be a minimum of one
project during the semester
- There will be a chapter test at
the end of each chapter.
- The semester exam will be on
the last week of the semester
- Please refer to the ISD policy
for information on absences and submitting late work.
Various projects will be completed throughout
the school year. They may include but are not limited to researching a
francophone country, region and/or city, building a family tree, researching a
Parisian monument, etc.
Students will also write and perform various
skits based on topic studied (i.e., introducing themselves, shopping, ordering
food and drinks.)
Textbooks/Materials/Suggested Readings: El español para nosotros, level 1.
This book is available from the school and is
picked up during the first week of school.Additional texts may be used in class
at the teacher’s discretion and based on the topic studied.
Classroom Expectations:
Policies regarding grading guidelines, late
work, and absences can be found on the Sharyland High School website:
Guidelines for grading, late work, and absences
All students are expected to follow SHS rules.
They are also expected to bring a positive attitude to class, be willing to
learn, and participate. Foreign languages open up the world, but only to those
willing to discover it. Therefore, enthusiasm is key to success.
Statement for Academic Dishonesty:
integrity is fundamental to the activities and principles of our school. No
student shall cheat or copy the work of another. Plagiarism, the use of another
person’s original ideas or writings as one’s own without giving credit to the
true author, will be considered cheating, and the student will be subject to
academic discipline that may include loss of credit for the work in